Reinhold Berndt, a German collector of prong pullers reports. "I was lucky to find two Monopol corkscrews that have been produced by the firm Monopol Usbeck & Söhne in the 1960s."
As you can see one of the rockets is a corkscrew and the other is a needle lifter. Both are very rare. Monopol's catalog lists the needle lifter as "Bottle-opener 'Kork-Ex' drives the cork off the bottle by means of carbonic acid. 38. casing special aluminium, blue oxydized rocket-shaped with stripping-off device for the cork etc."
Both rockets are 7.8" tall.
Monopolwerk Usbeck & Söhne was granted German patent 1,872,302 for the cork ejector May 16, 1963.
If you have Prong Pullers for sale or trade or if you have information on Prong Pullers, email Reinhold at:
©2000 Donald A. Bull