The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

News Index

Happy Birthday

Dear Reader,

This is the first anniversary of The Daily Screw.

In the 365 regular issues and four special issues there are forty megabytes of information including 1907 photos. All of the issues are listed in reverse chronological order here: The Daily Screw

I want to thank all of those who supported The Daily Screw with the articles, pictures, ideas, and words of encouragement including Danny Arensman, Jens Arnbjerg, Charles Aycock, Jack Bandy, Lynne Balvin, Reinhold Berndt, Pat Betzhold, Gérard Bidault, Peter Borrett, Bob Bortfeld, Ed Bystran, Kenn Cameron, John Compton, Robert Cordy, John Cornell, Herb Danziger, Jessica Fowler, Skip Garrison, Robert Gilbride, Larry Gralla, Jean Grignon, Al Haché, Ken Hark, Nick Hunt, Carroll Johnson, Randall Ladnier, Josef L'Africain, Ron MacLean, Frank Marshall, Brian McCann, Don Minzenmayer, Isha Nir, Guy Olive, Joe Paradi, Roy Pierce, Philly Rains, Bob Roger, Mike Sharp, John Stanley, Hans Turler, Jean-Claude Vanden Bruel, Chris Williams, and dozens of others (forgive me if I did not mention your name).

And a very special thank you to Alf Erickson who has entertained us with so many cork removing tests and his corkscrew detective work. His dedication to all that we asked of him as well as his self-inflicted assignments deserves a huge round of applause.

If you print out all of the past issues, you will have a pile of paper over 4" high. That's more than a thousand pages. If you lay each page end to end, you will have the length of three football fields and you'll look pretty silly doing it. If you make paper airplanes out of the page and fly them off the top of a tall building, you'll probably be arrested for littering. If you don't want to save them, flip over the pages and you'll have a lifetime of doodling.

Don Bull, Editor

News Index

©2004 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum