The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

News Index

Special Feature

My First Screw

Here are photos of My First Screw. I must have been a toddler at the time. I can''t remember too much.

Chris Williams. Oregon

Canadian Corkscrew Collectors Club to Meet

The annual meeting of the CCCC will be held in Monterey, California September 19 to 21. Ed Bystran, the meeting host writes:

With several thousand daily readers The Daily Screw is the most widely read publication about corkscrews. Because the membership of Corkscrew Clubs worldwide, only numbers about 300 - most corkscrew collectors probably obtain their knowledge from the Virtual Corkscrew Museum, The Daily Screw, or by the costly mistakes they learn at flea markets and on eBay.

I'd like your readers to know that next month they have the opportunity to immerse themselves in corkscrews and have a fun weekend. They are invited to attend the Canadian Corkscrew Collectors Club (CCCC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Monterey, California. Registration for the AGM is limited to CCCC members and a guest, but the CCCC dues are very nominal and can be included as part of the AGM registration.

The social highlight will be Saturday dinner at the Monterey Bay Aquarium with private access to the exhibits. Extra events start on Thursday at Copia, in Napa, California, and end on Monday morning at brunch in Prunedale, CA. For meeting details click one of these links: Bystran, Walters, or Corkscrewnet.

The Daily Screw readers who would like to attend the AGM are urged to send in their fees as soon as possible, and to make their hotel room reservation now at the Double Tree Hotel in Monterey.

I hope to see many new corkscrew fanatics in Monterey. Regards,

Ed Bystran, CCCC 2003 AGM Host

Chagall's Corkscrew

San Francisco, California, August 17, 2003 - From the San Francisco Gate:

In 1970, I had the pleasure of living in Marc Chagall's studio in La Ruche. Modigliani, Leger -- they all lived there when they were young. I was told by one of the numerous aging artists who lived there, compliments of the French government, that Lenin had stayed in La Ruche in 1916 before the revolution. The artist above me, Luigi Guardigli, put up murals for Miro.

I learned more about art in a couple of months living with the artists who never became successful enough to leave La Ruche than from all my college art teachers combined. The woman who lived below my studio was dying in poverty but refused to part with a get-well watercolor Cezanne had painted for her when she was a child.

It was the greatest place. My studio belonged to the British painter John Napper, who had been an artist-in-residence at my college.

Luigi gave me Chagall's corkscrew/bottle opener. It looks like a million others.

August is Golf Month

News Index

©2003 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum